Warrior Alpaca Socks

Outdoor Terry Lined Crew Alpaca Socks

$18.50 Gift for post

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For a sock as rugged as your lifestyle, try our Outdoor Terry Lined Alpaca Sock. Fully lined with soft alpaca loops for ultimate warmth & softness, these are the perfect outdoor socks and a favorite of sportsmen and sportswomen – equally wonderful for daily wear.

  • Terry lined, top to toe, for maximal warmth & softness.
  • Suburb wicking for dryer, healthy, odor-free feet.
  • Reduces abrasion, blisters and callus build up.
  • Features soft elastic band, durable construction, & smooth seam toe.
  • Perfect outdoor sock, ideal for working, hunting, hiking, fishing & more, or just chilling out.
  • Machine wash in cold, air dry recommended.

Socks will last longer if you keep them out of the tumble dryer, but should they get tumbled it will not destroy them. Do not use heat.

Don’t be confused by content! More alpaca isn’t always better. The content must fit the use of the socks. Many components have to be weighed in order to compose the finest alpaca socks.
We have extensively researched and created the finest blend for the longest wear, best performance & easiest care. For more information, read our article, Looking for 100% Pure Alpaca Socks?

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