Lizush LLC

Natural Clay Facial Mask, Exfoliating Mask, Glowing skin Mask

$16.00 Gift for post

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Our clay facial mask is a gentle exfoliator and will leave you with glowing skin.

Lizush clay mask thoroughly cleanses the face, absorbs all toxins, reduces pimples, and makes your face stay clean and shiny.

The mask comes as a powder consisting of Kaolin clay, Bentonite clay, Oat flour, Almond flour, Cocoa powder – all have soothing, antiseptic, and anti-aging properties.

The mask is suitable for all skin types.

Natural Clay Facial Mask
❀ Clay Facial Mask – (1 oz)
❀ Cotton bag

How to use:
1. Mix 1 TBS mask base in your palm with 1 TBS water or oil
2. Apply on clean damp skin
3. Relax & leave on for 15 minutes or until dry
4. Massage your skin with a small amount of water
5. Rinse with warm water
*** Enjoy feeling the difference!

Natural clay Ingredients: Kaolin clay, Bentonite clay, Oat flour, Almond flour, Cocoa powder

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At Lizush we believe that you deserve the best!
Working hard all week and taking care of your family and loved ones? It’s now time that someone else should take care of you!
We, therefore, created All Natural products with you in mind:
* High-quality all-natural materials.
* We use only natural colorant made from spices and herbs
* We use only high-quality essential oils for scent
Our goal at Lizush is to make you feel good and look your best! 

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