Edible Beauty

Native Plant-Based Collagen Powder

$39.00 Gift for post

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A plant-based collagen powder containing vitamin C and antioxidants to support natural collagen production and reduce collagen depletion.

The Edible Beauty Native Plant-Based Collagen Powder contains a synergy of 100% vegan ingredients including Australian natives and antioxidant-rich fruits designed to support healthy collagen production and help to protect the skin against youth depleting free radical damage.

Containing a blend of superfruits, Hibiscus, KakaduPlum, Quandong and Mountain Pepper Berry, along with Sea Buckthorn and Macqui Berry, our natural collagen powder will unleash a wave of rejuvenating and anti-ageing actions making this the ultimate beauty supplement. Our vegan collagen supplement is caffeine free, suitable during pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

Key Actives

Kakadu Plum: contains the world’s highest plant based source of Vitamin C, and are a native wonder food. Their high levels of vitamin C contribute to healthy skin collagen production and protect skin cells from free radical damage. Additionally, the plum contains minerals and antioxidants that nourish and invigorate the skin, including vitamin E, zinc, iron, folate and lutein, all of which can help prevent premature ageing.
Sea Buckthorn: is loaded with antioxidants including carotenoids and Vitamin E sea buckthorn berries are a potent anti-inflammatory and complexion enhancing super-berries. They are among the most concentrated natural sources of vitamin C which along with abundant protective phytonutrients help to turn back the clock and boost skin suppleness, firmness and vibrance.
Baobab: Baobab Fruit Powder, known as the Queen of the Superfruits is exceptionally nutrient-dense with an impressive beauty boosting nutrient profile. It is a rich source of Vitamin C and packed with Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium, and contains 50% dietary fibre which is prebiotic in nature, helping to nourish and promote healthy gut flora.

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